Monday, August 4, 2008

Here Comes the Bride?

Princess daughter is getting married. At least, in her mind, she is. She's actually a flower girl in a wedding in December and we're hoping she doesn't decide it actually is her wedding and take over the whole affair.

We went to try on potential flower girl dresses recently, and you would have thought it was Style Week in Milan the way she strutted her stuff. Funny thing was, she knew exactly what to do! When the real bride handed her the basket that would contain the flower petals, Princess daughter put the basket over her right arm, reached in with her left, and gracefully tossed imaginary petals as if she had been doing it all her life. "See, this is how I throw the petals - so lovely and beautiful" she explained to us novices. After all, what did I know about flower-girling? It's been more than 19 years since my wedding and I didn't trust any little kids not to upstage me.

Actually, the little boy Princess daughter has wanted to marry since she was three has now been relegated to her "ring boy" with another potential groom taking his place. Sorry Ben - we always liked you!


kcrazorback said...

Great vid!

TwinLawyerMommy said...

Thanks for posting the video. She's a star!

gamma raise said...

That's my girl!