Saturday, August 2, 2008

Too Much Time on My Hands

Dare I even type that statement? This spring, I changed jobs for a better work-family balance. I’m really enjoying being volunteer coordinator for a museum – it’s close-by, has a flexible schedule, helps me get to know people in the community, provides some mental stimulation and a little money. This summer it allowed me to be home with the Princess daughter a lot, but now she’s starting kindergarten and will be gone five days a week for seven hours each day, and I only work about 16 hours.

I’ve not had this kind of time since I became an adult. I’ve worked full-time since college, and once Princess daughter came, I started part-time, but she took the other part-time. Now life is changing and I’m looking forward to having some time; I’m just not sure I should be allowed to have it. I’m afraid if I don’t use it well, God will take it away.

Like Maria Shriver the other day on Oprah, I’m having to rediscover myself at almost 41 years of age. I’ve defined myself for so long by my career and since that has less importance these days, it forces me to ask what I want to be when I grow up. Oh sure, the messy closets, piles of laundry and stacks of unread books call my name, but once those things are done, they’re done. I’ll be volunteering in the Princess’ classroom, reading more books, actually sticking to an exercise routine, taking time for lunch with friends, and enjoying regular devotional times. No doubt school/community/church opportunities will come up. It’s just overwhelming, exciting and scary all at the same time to contemplate what lies ahead. I’m asking God not to take that time away, but to help me count my days and make every day matter for Him.

1 comment:

gamma raise said...

Dear Frazzled and Bedazzled,
I know a little about you. You are a great writer, and prolific. I won't have time to check your blog for a while. Good thing I'm retireing so I'll have a little extra time, too.