Sunday, June 10, 2012

Who needs cheerleaders?

The shrill screams of excitement on the other side of the pool brought me slowly out of my brain dose. As I turned my head in the direction of the joy, I saw a little girl jumping up and down in the pool, her hands raised high above her head. “I did it!” “I did it!” She exclaimed over and over for the entire world to hear.

Although I wanted to run over and find out what she had done, I held back and continued to watch her. The celebration went on for a few minutes, but I still didn’t find out what she had done.  I’m guessing she held her breath for an extended period, maybe did several underwater somersaults in a row, or perhaps she perfected a stroke. But regardless of the accomplishment, that exuberance and celebration of pure joy was inspiring. And motivating. And humbling.

You know, I seldom see an adult show that level of excitement at their achievement. Even adults who have all the reason in the world to let everyone know, seldom do – those who’ve gone back to school to finish or get degrees; those who’ve shown integrity in a difficult job situation despite the possible repercussions; who’ve stepped forward to raise a child not birthed by them;  or those who’ve stood up for an elderly parent, sick child, or disabled neighbor. There are so many people who have a reason to jump up and down, and yet, they go quietly about their business, committed to the next goal and next good work.

I wonder how life would be different if we’d take a moment and celebrate our accomplishments every once in awhile. Maybe we’d realize how much we really have if we’d stop and do a little happy dance. Maybe our outlook on life, other people, even ourselves, would pick up a bit if we took a moment to cheer for ourselves. Maybe we’d slow down and appreciate life a little more if we spiked the ball (so to speak) before we moved on to the next task or goal.

That’s my challenge this week – and for you, too. Take a moment to loudly exclaim “I did it!” I know, people around you may start dialing the number to the closest psych ward, but don’t allow it to deter you. Celebrate an accomplishment, and do it so others can hear.
“Be full of joy all the time.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16

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