Monday, June 4, 2012

Even Bill Cosby might agree

It's been WAY too long since I wrote my last entry. In fact, thinking of starting this blog fresh and anew. Perfect timing as I've joined Jeff Goins on The 15-Day Challenge to adopt the writing habits of great writers and we have....HOMEWORK! (Jeff Goins 15-Day Challenge)

I'm coaching authors now to help them get their book written. And although it seems I spend most of my days mired in words, they're not my words, and I kinda miss that. Everyone says to me, "You need to write a book about Princess Daughter!" And although I find her (in the yellow hat) hysterically funny and charming, not sure how interested the world would be in reading endless stories about her. I've considered using them to draw life conclusions or reveal character qualities of God, but not quite sure.

I am thinking about creating an ebook through Kindle Direct so I can experience what many of my clients will be doing, and so I can provide amazing insights and advice to them, but we'll see where this all goes. In the mean time, here's today's Princess daughter fix.

Leaving swim lessons today, Princess Daughter and I began talking about the shapes of various people in our family. When we got to my brother (her uncle), she exclaimed that he did have a six-pack for abs. I thought my brother would be very happy to hear that (he works hard on his physique), until she added "A six-pack of pudding cups, that is!"

What life conclusion or character quality do you draw from that? Since nothing jumps to mind (and I'm still pondering those book ideas), let's just leave it at that. Perhaps it's a reminder to do our sit-ups.

1 comment:

Angieabk said...

Beauty (and pudding cups) is in the eye of the beholder!