Thursday, February 19, 2009

The funniest kid story I've heard lately

My sporty nephew, Princess daughter, and state-qualified gymnast niece on a warmer occasion.

My 6-year-old sporty nephew and his state-qualified gymnast sister were recently housebound by ice and snow. On the third day home from school, my sister-in-law was going a little crazy and told them to go outside and play. When sporty nephew complained, asking what they would do outside, his mom said "Well, you could build a fort or look for animal tracks in the snow (they live at the edge of woods). Or you could get a stick and knock icicles off the tree branches." To which he disdainfully replied "That may have been fun in the 1990s, but that's not what we do for fun today."

1 comment:

Rubydotlarue said...

That is Hilarious! Kids have a magical way of telling us that we're only getting older! Thanks for sharing!