Saturday, December 20, 2008

'Twas the Night Before

'Twas the night before a party and all through the house,
A child was hurling allover my spouse.
The sheets were changed several times with care,
In hopes that the next set would soon be spared.
The child was nestled surounded by trash cans
While visions of panic stomped out tomorrow's plans.
And Hubby in his daze and I in my sleep deprivation,
Knew we had to be at the party out of obligation.
When down the hall, there arose such a splatter,
We jumped from our bed to see what was the matter.
Away down the hall, we flew like a flash,
Tore off the sheets and threw out the trash.
And you can guess the rest..

After 5.5 years, Princess Daughter hurled. We knew it would be bad - and it was, especially when you're dealing with it between 1 and 3 AM, but finally the house was at rest at 3:30.

Yes, we were up for a bit that night, but part of that state of awakeness was due to concern about what was to be done later that day. About 12 hours from that time, I was scheduled to set-up and manage Princess Daughter's school party, and a certain hubby was scheduled to arrive dressed as a certain saint. What were we to do if she was still sick and we both had to be at the school?

Fortunately, as children do, she bounced back quickly (more quickly than I did having lost key REM cycles) and by mid-morning, she was running laps around the family room. We all made it to the party. It was a big hit with the kids, particularly the visit from one jolly old elf whom I laughed when I saw inspite of myself.


Rubydotlarue said...

Oh, The joy of one is so much fun!
But There is way more spew when there are two! :)
I feel your do the sheets, the carpet cleaner, the kids and my hubby! Glad she is better now! So are BOTH of mine! :)

TwinLawyerMommy said...

Oh, man!! Glad you're all ok after that. I think that one of the worst parts of being a parent is cleaning up after spew. Hope you took pics of the party--I'd love to see St. Brother Claus. :)

Have a fun week!!