Thursday, September 11, 2008

She's Really Six

Drawing by Princess daughter

We found out about Princess daughter on the one-year anniversary of September 11. In our family, it has become a little light of hope on that saddest of anniversaries - that even as evil takes lives, God is in control, healing, restoring and giving life.

We've been talking with Princess daughter a lot lately about that time before she entered the world, while she was still in my tummy. Those six years ago are starting to get fuzzy for me, which is one reason I'm glad I kept a journal during my pregnancy. At times, I go back and look at it. It is amazing to see how the things I recorded about her activity, particularly in late pregnancy, completely fit what we now know to be her personality.

Take the chocolate cake incident, when I ate a BIG piece of homemade chocolate cake before a doctor's appointment. When they hooked up the baby heart monitor to check on her, she was doing somersaults. They were so worried about her level of activity, they sent me to the hospital to be monitored for awhile. To this day, the kid can hear me whisper "chocolate cake" across a concert hall filled with musicians playing Beethoven's Fifth.

And don't forget about the party girl persona. While on bedrest, I had several visits from relatives and girlfriends. At most of these occasions, there seemed to be a lot of laughter, which got this kid kicking and jumping and hiccuping! Everyday she is full of laughter and silliness, and is always on the lookout for a good party.

You're one kid who is full of life. Happy 6th birthday, Olivia.


gamma raise said...

I remember you telling about when the old garage door opener would scrape and grind announcing Daddy's arrival and how animated the princess would become.

TwinLawyerMommy said...

I LOVE the pic! So glad to see you guys got tix out here for T-day! We're going to have so much fun! Have a great day.