Thursday, July 31, 2008

Supply This!

School supply lists are funny things. While some items have obvious uses – scissors for killing the booger-eating kid next to you, markers for drawing puppets on your knuckles – the purpose of other items is more ambiguous.

Take my Princess daughter's list for kindergarten. Unless they’re making a ton of yarn scarecrows or a Wendy’s wig, I’m not sure why they need a whole skein of red or light brown yarn. (And skein – that’s a word you use everyday.)

Has obsession with cleanliness overtaken the school supply list? It used to be fun stuff like compasses and erasers and highlighters, now it’s hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes. Yippee kids – have fun learning how to eliminate the world of germs!

And I can’t figure out why I need to send boxes of zipper plastic bags. It’s not looking good – it has all the signs of “We’re making tons of stuff that will need to be contained in plastic bags and it’s all coming home to you, parents.”

ToysRUs had Crayola writing implements buy-one-get-two-free so I justified spending the gas money to save money on additional boxes of all things Crayola. Maybe not something Suze Orman or Mad Money guy Jim Cramer would recommend, but it was fun.


TwinLawyerMommy said...

Thanks for supplying me with a giggle. :)

gamma raise said...

After a half of a day working with 20 five-year-olds, you'll appreciate the Clorex wipes.;)