Wow - they grow up fast. It didn't always seem like that, but when I see all the things Princess daughter does on her own now, I barely remember that baby in the crib, the potty-training toddler, and the messy, on-the-go pre-schooler. We're actually feeling like sane adults with a life again rather than worn-out shadows walking around in a fog of exhaustion.
On school mornings, she gets up, dresses herself, makes her bed, often gets her own breakfast, brushes her teeth, puts her coat and backpack on, and gets into the car and buckled by herself. I'm thinking of handing over the keys...
I've always enjoyed older kids, but I had no idea I would REALLY enjoy my daughter at this age. I love picking her up in the afternoon and hearing all the tales of the day - who said what, who did what, who didn't do what. I love hearing her attempt at making a joke, and I love it when she tries out new words in a sentence. Her questions are great and although the conclusions she draws from my answers aren't always on-target, it's great to hear her process information and try to apply her understanding of values and character to the situation.